
Monday, 27 April 2015

Motivational Monday

This is like my daily mantra. It's always important to remember in everything we strive to do, that we may not notice any big differences straight away, but in time we will have made such a change for the better from putting time and effort into it. This could be fitness goals or a new project that you're working on. I am working on both my fitness and my blog, and I know in a years time I'll most likely be glad I started. 
To stay on track with your future goals it's best to start small. I will never wake up one morning and think "I want to run the marathon next year" because I know I am nowhere near I need to be with my fitness to be able to even think about running 26 miles. However, I could think I would like to start running 3 times a  week. (To be honest I don't know if I could even do that!) 
With my blog, I write when I am feeling my blogging mojo. If I have had a stressful and busy day I most likely will not write at all, but sometimes I could write drafts for 3 different blog posts. I'm so grateful to myself for having the courage to make my own blog and manage to keep writing despite what others may think or say which used to scare me.  Now I am able to enjoy it and hopefully other do too.

I enjoy writing Motivational Monday posts as it reminds me of what I should be grateful for rather than dwelling on all the rubbish from last week, people say we should put the past behind us, but if it's a happy memory I don't want to forget!

This week I'm happy for:

1. Sunday afternoon Nandos :) mmm!

2.  Finally finding "Orange Is The New Black" to binge watch on Netflix.

3. Watching the thousands of people who ran the marathon and feeling very patriotic for some reason. It's nice to see London hosting events like this for charities.

4. Going out for one too many drinks with friends, it's always fun.

5. Putting my little sister to bed and she always needs an extra good night kiss sooo cute!

What are you happy for this week?


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